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Accreditation & Affiliations

At Colegio Maya, we believe that collaboration is at the heart of constant improvement for our school and learning. We collaborate with many regional and global organizations to both ensure high accountability and to seek better ways to improve learning for all students. 

Colegio Maya is fully accredited by Cognia, as well as recognized and authorized by MinEduc, the Guatemalan Ministry of Education. We are members of AAIE, the American Association of International Education; AASCA, the American Association of Schools in Central America; and the TRI-ASSOCIATION, The Association of American Schools of Central America, Colombia and Caribbean, and Mexico.

Colegio Maya is also a member of the following organizations:

PTC – The Principals’ Training Center for International School Leadership, IRC – Interregional Center (company for curriculum and materials development), ASCD – Association of Schools for Curriculum Development, NASSP – National Association of Secondary School Principals, AISH – Academy for International School Heads, Middle School Principals’ Association, NHS – National Honor Society, and NJHS – National Junior Honor Society. Colegio Maya is also a member of GOA, Global Online Academy, a consortium of leading independent schools from around the world whose programs offer our students a way to pursue their passions, learn with peers from around the globe, and acquire and practice modern learning skills that will serve them well in college, career, and life.


Cognia logo


MinEduc logo



National Honor Society logo