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The Board

Colegio Maya is governed by The Board. The Board of Colegio Maya is composed of nine people elected for two-year terms by and from the members of the Association of Colegio Maya, at its annual meeting. All parents or guardians of students enrolled at the school are members of the Association and are eligible to be elected.

The Board elects its own officers each year. These are the President (who acts as the legal representative under Guatemalan law), Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Board has two Standing Committees – Finance and Governance & Policy. Other committees and task forces may be created as needed.

Next Monthly Board of Directors Meeting: Wednesday, December 11th, 2024, at 5:00 pm in the HUB.


Students giving a presentation to members of The Board

The Board

Contacting the Board:

The standard communication protocol is to contact the staff member directly about any issue and if further action is required, to contact a divisional principal. If further action is still required, the director can be contacted, followed by a board member as required. Agenda items for board meetings must be submitted 7 days prior to the board meeting.


Panoramic view of the entrance of the school