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Colegio Maya is committed to growing and sustaining a personal learning culture which is made up of a community of learners based on the shared belief that thinking is central to complex problem solving rooted in inquiry, collaboration, and emergence of new ideas in the spirit of innovation. Learners take risks as creative thinkers in tackling challenging tasks that beg deep learning which can be messy, joyful and energizing. Instruction is designed to attend to individuals’ needs and skills with opportunities to explore and develop students’ own passions and interests in growing a sense of personal purpose. Students are able to build disciplinary knowledge with cross-disciplinary skills that result in rich demonstrations of learning. Interdisciplinary learning opportunities are paths that allow students to flourish with the support of Habits of the Mind through a more learner-driven practice.  

To achieve a culture of personal learning, we at Colegio Maya provide learning experiences based on our Learning Principles, the Attributes of Personal Learning, the Elements of Personal Learning in partnership with the Habits of Mind. 

Personal Learning definition: Personal learning is a progressively student driven model in which students deeply engage in meaningful, authentic, and rigorous challenges to demonstrate desired outcomes. (Zmuda, Curtis, & Ulman. 2015)
Students working on their laptops and talking to each other